Developer's Ideas

this board lists the developer's own ideas, you can only vote (to prioritize) / discuss them
Privacy-focused Analytics
There is a need to integrate an internal analytics system. There is no need for logging any data about users: it would be enough just to log their online count on every platform & site. Since adding support for multiple platforms, this problem has become acute. Built-in store analytics does not provide any information about which sites are more popular than others among users. There are no statistics about which features people use more than others. All this makes it difficult to choose a development direction. While canny can help with this, because users will be able to vote for features, we still need aggregated information. Geolocation server should collect analytical information about the percentage of requests cached, how many requests per second occur, and the unique users online. It should not use anything other than an IP address as an identifier. This IP address should be hashed in memory and not stored on the disk. In no case should any information be collected about who people are communicating with. The extension should ping the analytics server every minute reporting the site being used and in what mode. I don't know how to implement the collection of analytical information about enabled functions. In practice, this system should be a self-hosted open source solution like Prometheus + Grafana. Data must not leave our servers and must not contain any personally identifiable information. The user should have the explicit option to completely disable the sending of telemetry. This setting should disable any analytics within the extension. In the case of our internal geolocation provider, this should send a DO NOT TRACK identifier that should be counted in analytics as one user with all other DO NOT TRACKs.

under review

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